Industries We Serve


The crippling effect on the construction industry caused by Covid-19 has meant that protecting workers in ever-changing job sites added a new dimension to formerly traditional protective gear. Employers struggling through the pandemic need to rapidly fill their PPE stocks, and BAO is there to equip these professionals.


Complying with state and federal safety regulations is of high importance to companies trying to navigate the pandemic. BAO Health and our supply team specialists work diligently to discover cost-effective solutions to equip our clients with the PPE they need in these trying times.

A business meeting with PPE from BAO Health
Teachers and students alike are wearing PPE from BAO Health


School administrators know how important it is for their faculty and students to be protected at all times and BAO Health is prepared to solve their PPE needs. Effective and inexpensive face masks, sanitizer, and other supplies keep many educational institutions ready and able to take on new challenges they now face.

Food Processors

Safety during food preparation and processing is always a high concern and BAO Health takes it seriously. In factories, restaurants, and cafeterias, workers rely on the vital supplies that we bring to every activity where risks of food-borne illnesses remain a factor.

Food Processing Plant workers need PPE from BAO Health too
Wipe down every surface using PPE from BAO Health


Perhaps no single industry has had greater challenges than vacation spots, with travel restrictions posing such challenges that many simply chose to stay home during the pandemic. BAO provides these business with vital PPE to make their patrons feel safe.


The emphasis on worker safety has risen by leaps and bounds since the pandemic began, as well as regulatory compliance. BAO procures FDA certified PPE to ensure that our clients and their manufacturing facilities can keep their workforce fully protected.

Keep your production running smoothly with PPE from BAO Health


The pandemic has been especially hard on small organizations aiming to keep those most vulnerable protected from illness. BAO Health works with these groups wherever possible to help keep all segments of society running and healthy.

Food Service

With eateries of every type having to undergo huge changes and challenges to stay in business, having access to a wide array of PPE solutions is a must. BAO has been instrumental in providing these establishments with the supplies they need to survive.


BAO Health stocks sanitizer, gloves, masks, and many other PPE supplies to protect retail workers nationwide. We know that a wide array of customizable solutions are required to make it feasible for every storefront to continue operations during the pandemic and ongoing.

Home & Leisure

Every household in America has faced the unfortunate need to protect the families within by guarding against invasive contaminants from the outside world.
BAO Health has made it a priority to offer solutions on a smaller scale to those tasked with this unenviable responsibility.